You are a strong supporter of a flood theory, based on a detailed
survey and observations of landforms in southern Sweden. You also
have opinions on the manner in which geologists develop ideas.
On GoogleEarth Tour pay particular attention to:
- Uppsalaåsen
- Hedesundaåsen
Familiarize yourself with the following Episodes:
- Petridelaunian Flood
- Uppsala Traces
Read and summarize:
- "On the traces of a vast ancient flood" (from Poggendorff's Annalen, 1836)
Be aware:
- Your observations on furrows and roche moutonnees are well-received and
frequently referenced. However, the origin of the huge volume of water and
debris is questioned and you refuse to address the origin of erratics, possibly
because you recognize the criticisms that de Charpentier advanced concerning
erratic transport by water (see Episode "An Incredible Hypothesis").